Photos from the shows in Billings, MT (Yellowstone Valley KC) in June:
Brady going WD/BOW under Judge David Kirkland for his 3rd major.
New Champion Brady--he was WD/BOW for his 4th major under Judge Larry Sinclair. Brady finished with 18 points. He is now UKC RBIS AKC/UKC CH Monumental Taking The High Road.
Joie going WB/BOS under Judge Larry Sinclair for her 1st major (4 points).
Joie going WB/BOS under Judge Darryl Vice for 2 more points. There wasn't a major on this day. Joie was at 13 points with these wins. We came home to CO and showed again at the Buckhorn Valley KC shows where she was WB/BOW/BOB each day for 2 more majors to finish! She finished her championship with 3 majors and 16 points. She is now CH Monumental Highly Resembles A Rockstar. When she came back to CO she had 2 points. Her first shows here were June 3rd. She finished on July 3rd. The time was right and there was no stopping this pup.
Brady finished on his 10 month birthday; Joie finished at 10 months 11 days.