Monday, April 30, 2012

Fun News at Monumental

Have had some good news lately here at Monumental.  First I learned that Brady is #20 Dalmatian--yep bringing up the rear in the Top Twenty for now.  Guess I'll have to keep showing him-although we will be doing local shows only.  No traveling for now.  Today I learned that he is #1 Dalmatian in the new AKC Owner/Handler competition.  Too bad we don't have more local shows scheduled with that event.  He is also #9 all-breed O/H with a gazillion others.  Needless to say-I'm proud of this pup.  He loves to show and is such fun.  He reminds me a great deal of his Great Granny Mackie--I miss her so much--but see her in him often.
I also got Sadie's CD title photo today.  She looks so cute--me--not so much   I'm proud of her, too.  She is doing really nice open work, so it won't be long before I can enter her in a trial and give her a chance to earn that title.
Sadie earned a 190 and 4th place to finish her AKC Companion Dog title. (Actually-Sadie earned a 193--I gave her an extra command-intentionally-and lost 3 points-oh well-it was worth it.)  The judge pictured is Sue Oviatt-Harris.  She is a very fair judge and loves to see the dogs do well.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Grace Goes Lure Coursing

This weekend Candy and Grace tried Lure Coursing.  Candy reported that Grace was awesome.  She earned 2 lelgs toward her Coursing Aptitude title.  Here's a photo of her at the start today (I think she loves this sport!).  One Greyhound exhibitor said she was glad her dog didn't have to run against Grace.
Below is a video of her run today: she really 'kllls' the plastic bag at the end.
Grace has also participated in dock diving.  She needs only a 3 point major to finish her AKC Championship.  She is a UKC Champion.  We are proud of what she and Candy are doing.  Best of all--they are having fun.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Terry-All KC and Collie Club Obedience Trial

Had a very good weekend of showing Brady and Sadie.  Sadie was in Novice Obedience on the 13th.  She was good; got a 4th place in a large novice class at the Collie Club of Colorado specialty.  This was her 3rd leg so she can now put CD after her name.  I showed Brady and had a friend show Sadie in Breed on Sat.  Brady was Best of Breed and Sadie was Best of Opposite Sex under Judge Dr. Robert Indeglia.  With those awards they both finished their AKC Grand Championships.  What fun to finish mom and son at the same show.  I let Sadie stay home on Sunday.  Brady was again Best of Breed until Judge Dr. Anthony DiNardo.  Brady is such fun to show.  He walks in the ring and stacks himself.  He reminds me so much of his Great Grandmother, Mackie.  He loves the group ring and really gaits well when people are cheering for him.  I really appreciate the folks who have become his fans.