Sunday, August 4, 2013

Joie earns the AKC Canine Good Citizen title

Sat., Aug. 3rd I took Joie and Sadie to a fun match put on by the Newfoundland club.  Sadie had a great time performing her Open obedience tricks and Joie was very good in the Novice obedience ring.  Just for kicks I decided to put Joie in the Canine Good Citizen test--thought it would be a good thing to do to warm her up for the novice ring.  She passed with flying colors.  So-I'll pay the extra $20 to AKC so that Joie can add that to the end of her name.  She'll be CH Monumental Highly Resembles A Rockstar RN TD CA CGC ASCA RN.  She's been a busy girl since the end of March.