Monday, August 23, 2010

Pups have arrived!

The pups were whelped starting yesterday afternoon at 1:38.  We have 10 very active puppies. (1 was stillborn)  There are 3 boys and 7 girls (3 of the girls have patches--2  eye patches-(1 liver, 1 black), 1 black ear)  We are not yet sure about all the colors--but will be able to tell livers from blacks in a few days--especially when I recover and can see straight.. All have made substantial gains in weight in less than 24 hours.  They are nursing constantly--well they do take a bit of a rest now and then. Not one needs any help in finding the food source.  Sadie was exhausted after whelping, but she is dong well today.  She does like to take a good nap when they are nursing.  These pups are active, and very vocal--good signs.  All 10 are in the group picture-however a couple may be hard to see as they do pile on top of on another.  We  think Sadie and Slade did good work!!


  1. Congratulations! I was excited and surprised to see the pups arrive early. Get some rest and have fun! Thanks for the blog. It is fun to watch.

    Beverly in Texas

  2. Thanks Bev--hope you will get to view them live from the webcam my husband has set up.
