Sunday, November 28, 2010

Brady--14 weeks and growing

These photos were taken of Brady today.  We are liking this boy a lot.  He's smart, sweet, and very creative.  He says he is getting the idea of this thing he's supposed to do called showing.  He had his first lesson in nosework today.  He took to that game very quickly.  He begins an open/utiltiy obedience class for puppies in December.  I can hardly wait-that is going to be great fun.  He did his first therapy visit at an Alhzeimer facility.  The residents and empolyees there really enjoyed meeting him.  I was amazed at how good he was--very calm.  He seems to have the special personality it takes to do therapy work.  He is quite the people magnet.
Brady's ears are always up and his tail is always wagging.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he sure is a handsome boy these days. I do love being right...
