Monday, September 26, 2011

Arapahoe KC shows

Showed Brady this past weekend at the Arapahoe Kennel Club shows.  Finally-there were some other Dals entered, so by taking Best of Breed each day, Brady started his quest for the AKC Grand Champion title.  I'm so pleased with the way this young boy is showing and looking.  He loves showing.  He is the easiest dog to show.  He goes in, stacks himself, and invites the judge to come give him some attention.  His tail never stops wagging-even when the judge is going over his rear-and his ears are always up.  He has great stamina--is as good at the end of the day as he is in the morning.  Don't have any more shows coming up for a while. Darn.
His new best friend is a male Newfoundland owned by a friend of mine.  This Newf weighs in excess of 150 lbs.  He and Brady make quite the pair.  (Brady weighs 55.) Draven, the Newf, tried to make himself smaller so as to be on Brady's level.  The are a riot to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo Congrats Brady!! too funny about his best friend the Newf, Jax has a bloodhound girlfriend!
