Monday, October 31, 2011

Nathan's TD-Not Dal related

Ran my friend, Angie's, Elkhound yesterday in a Tracking Dog test.  We drew the first track which proved to be a good one for him.  Nathan passed with flying colors.  This test was held at Chatfield State Park.   This is the 3rd title I've put on this dog: CH and RN came before.  Nathan also has the new AKC Therapy Dog Title.  He and Angie do many visits.
A nice start
We had a long second leg--he motored right along.
On the way to the glove!!
The official photo with the TL and Judges.
CH Hestsko's American Patriot RN TD THD

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sadie's VST pass

On Sunday, Oct. 16, Sadie was in her first Variable Surface Tracker test.  It was held by the Corgi Club at Denver West Office Park.  This is a great area for VST work and tests.  Lots of parking lots, tall buildings, ponds, waterfalls, bridges, passages between buildings, statues, etc. Beautiful landscaping.  Sadie drew the 3rd track.  The temps were cool.  The article at her start was a 3X5 piece of a leather glove.  Now this dog LOVES leather gloves as you can see in the photos below:

                                     Sadie finds her start article, and proceeds to pick it up.

                                                           The fun is just beginning!
                          Rolling with the start article in her mouth.  What a way to get the scent

                                                             We're ready to take off.
                                                 She's got the scent and is motoring along.

Off the grass to track on the sidewalk.

                                                                     Moving right along.
                                                        Taking the moment of truth turn.

     Working on the last part of her track.

Still working.

Sadie had downed on the spot where the article had been.  Someone had picked up the little, plastic blue toy that the TL had left.  Sadie clearly indicated where it had been by pawing the ground, nosing it, then downing on it.  Pictured from L to R: TL Milan Hess, Tana, Judges Jean Hilbig and Kathy Marshburn.  And Sadie is still sniffing the spot!

   At the awards ceremony: TL Milan Hess, Tana, Sadie, Judges Jean Hilbig & Kathy Marshburn
One other pass that day was by a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Flicka, and her owner/handler, Lynn Kaemmerer.  They ran their track beautifully.  Her TL was Franna Pitt from WA pictured in the middle.
Sadie is now:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

First Snow of 2011

Mackie--at almost 14 years of age--having a great run in the snow.
The others had fun as well.  But, to watch her running and having such a great time was the most fun for me.