Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Birthday,Mackie

Mackie turned 14 on the 18th of Dec. She is doing well considering her age.  Still very active and still wants to boss the rest of our crew--however-we don't let that happen. Sadie doesn't think Mackie  should be in charge.  The boys don't mind.   She loves all her food dispensing toys.  She wanted yet another black Kong for her gift--getting the peanut butter or cheese out of it keeps her happy.  She has destroyed several of these during her 14 years. We think she is still beautiful at 14.

Attacking her new Kong

Carrying the Kong to her bed.

Mackie's loves feeding herself with the pin ball-type toy.  She really knocks it around and is rewarded with tiny bits of kibble.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Joie-BOB photo

I only had one BOB photo taken of Joie at the Southern Colorado KC shows.  Probably should have also done one the second day--but just didn't get to it.  Wish I would have since Marie Zimmerman was the person showing her.  Would have been nice to have Marie in the photo.  Anyway-this is the photo from that weekend.  Nexty time Angie will remind me to hold Joie's tail.