Monday, February 13, 2012

Jordi-week 3

Jordi continues to heal very well.  We are now doing 15-20 minutes easy walks 2-3 times each day--when weather permits. These walks need to be on level ground as much as possible which is hard to find around here.  We normally walk up and down our cul de sac which is a very slight hill.  He loves these walks.  We go at his pace most ofo the time until he tries to go fast--he is to walk and not trot.  It's also good for me to do these easy walks to get my foot and ankle back in shape.  His range of motion continues to be good.  He is feeling much better at this point than he did with the last knee.  I believe the laser treatment he got coming out of surgery made a huge difference in the initial healing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad he (and you) are doing so well with your walks. Give him a kiss from Auntie Carla and Gimme... feel free to enjoy it while you are at it.
